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  Importance of Morning Rituals | Dish Dish Recipe Box We all have a morning routine. (Above: Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem from Pexels) Whether you struggle to get up with your alarm, skip your shower, and end up eating a slice of toast on the way to work, or you're always up with plenty of time to enjoy a balanced breakfast, it's a routine. The only difference is that while the second option can leave you feeling motivated and energetic, the first is likely to drain your emotional and physical health. There's a reason why successful people spend so much time perfecting their morning routines. It's not because they're eccentric, or OCD. Successful people make sure they have the time to shower, browse through their emails, and enjoy a freshly-brewed cup of coffee each day, because it reduces the friction and stress in their lives. The less you must panic about getting everything done on time, the more you can focus on what you do best. If it always feels as though there's never enough time in your day, it might be time to set up your own morning ritual.

Why Bother with a Morning Ritual?

At a basic level, a morning ritual gives you a reason to get out of bed every morning. From the moment you wake up, you'll know what you're going to do and when you're going to do it. That means that you start your day as productively as possible. Here are just some of the major benefits of a good morning ritual:

1.   It Sets the Tone for the Day

Remember the last time you snoozed your alarm and had to rush out of the door without breakfast? Your day started with a negative tone, defined by chaos and discomfort. The chances are, the lack of energy you felt from your missed breakfast stuck with you all the way through to lunch. On the other hand, when you wake up at the right time, and do the tasks that make you feel good each morning, you set up a positive tone for the rest of the day. A morning ritual is all about starting on the right foot.

2.   It Boosts your Productivity

A morning ritual doesn't have to be a lengthy process. You might set aside 20 to 30 minutes each morning where you can read through your personal messages, enjoy a nice cup of coffee, and eat a few healthy snacks before work. The time you give yourself before you go to work helps you to accomplish positive things that will make you feel more focused and productive by the time you arrive at the office. Completing your morning ritual can even make you feel successful and accomplished. When you feel that way first thing in the morning, it gives you the energy to get through the rest of your day happily too.

3.   It Protects your Mental and Spiritual Health

A good morning ritual simply helps you to become a better version of yourself. With a little deep breathing and meditation on a morning, you can banish stress and set yourself up for spiritual well-being. You might even use your extra time for a quick workout to improve your physical health, too. Additionally, a study from the American Psychological Association found that following a morning routine reduces feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, while boosting feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

How to Start your Own Morning Ritual

If you want to tap into all the benefits of a morning ritual - the good news is that it doesn't have to be tough. We all have things that we like to do first thing in the morning. The thing you should keep in mind with your morning ritual is that you're trying to set yourself up for a positive day. To put your morning ritual in place: •    Write a list of the things you'd like to accomplish each morning •    Figure out how much time it will take to do everything on your list •    Adjust your waking time to accommodate your ritual (without giving yourself less than 8 hours sleep) •    Try your ritual and see how well it works •    Adjust if necessary Remember, you'll need to give yourself some time to get used to a new morning routine. However, if yours doesn't feel like it's working for you, feel free to adjust until it does! With the right strategy, the days when you used to rush out of bed, forget breakfast, and struggle to concentrate at work can be a thing of the past. With a good morning ritual, you can add extra joy and comfort to your day, by eliminating the panic of a rushed start, and ensuring you launch your mornings on the right foot.   Bio:  Cassie is a freelance blogger and wellness enthusiast who likes to spend her days finding new ways to bring a little joy to people's lives. She's a firm believer in the importance of self-care, and regularly practices yoga and meditation. When she's not writing, she can be found practicing her yoga poses, reading up on the latest health trends, or enjoying a fresh cup of delicious coffee.   online recipe box, digital recipe book, online cookbook  


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