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As the New Year has rolled around and everyone is talking about New Year's resolutions or goals, we invite you to join us in this fun resolution and choose to be intentional this year about celebrating the moments. (Above photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash)
"What moments?" you might ask.
So often, it is too easy to continue rolling on to the next "thing", caught up in the busy-ness of life's activities and demands, and completely miss the moment's opportunity to pause and celebrate.
It doesn't have to be a big celebration - maybe just a moment to kick up your heels, shout for joy, grin from ear to ear, and be glad for yourself, a family member, a friend, or simply for the view of a beautiful sunrise - or then again, feel free to party with balloons and streamers if you like.
Some may be inclined to set up a detailed list of scenarios and how they might choose to celebrate that event or moment with friends and family. We haven't been that intentional quite yet, but here are some moments we feel are definitely worth pausing and celebrating.
Celebrate Family Moments
Celebrate the family moments when a family member has shared of a recent accomplishment or achievement. We usually think of the really big moments - like graduations, engagements, weddings, promotions, and the like. However, this years let's celebrate the smaller scale things like ...Completing a volunteer role
Being recognized for good character or grades
Accomplishing a small goal set for school or work
Rejoicing with each other about good news received or hard work well done