Are you intimidated when thinking about adding photos of your recipes to your online cookbook here with Dish Dish? Maybe you are not sure your talents or camera or equipment are quite up to the task of photographing those dishes, ready to share with friends and family or anyone who might like to try that recipe for themselves.
But there is no need to be intimidated! Especially with today's dSLR and point-and-shoot cameras, food photography (at least for these purposes) can be simple and enjoyable. Play around with it a little bit using some of these tips and leave us a comment with any other ideas you have or to share your success story!
First, regardless of the dish you have decided to photograph,
pop over to your internet browser and pull up images of that type of dish (i.e. for chicken fajitas, search "chicken fajitas" + "images" or "photos"). Spend a couple of minutes looking over the photographs taken by professionals, bloggers, and photo enthusiasts, to help you decide how you would like your picture to be laid out and get some fun ideas.
Then get started with these basic tips:
Add a pop of color with the dish - using a brighter dish than the food that is on it for the display photo. Place a colorful napkin or placemat underneath the dish; place a couple of colorful ingredients next to the plate or bowl; add a decorative splash of color with a flower, herb, or fun garnish. You will see these ideas and many more as you explore online photographs, and be creative with your own twist!

Consider a unique angle, maybe square on from directly above the dish or slightly to one side; maybe as though you were seated and looking at the dish from the side. Try a few options and see what turns out best for you.

Remember good lighting is important - natural window light is best, especially from a north or south window which will provide indirect sunlight. And off-setting that brighter light with a little light from the camera flash provides a nice combination of lighting - preferably with the window light to the side or behind the dish.

Blurring the background and providing your main dish in super focus is a fun way to photograph also, if the background is not pertinent to your photo. Use the macro setting on a point-and-shoot camera and shoot from within a foot or so of the dish to get the best version of this type of photo (for an amateur) or use a long lens (like a 300ml) and a wide aperture on a dSLR camera from a few feet away.

Remember you can easily share your favorite family recipes or new-found recipes along with photos and notes about how you like to prepare the dish, and dish with your friends here at Dish Dish.
See how to get your own online cookbook started for organizing and sharing recipes, shopping lists, menus and more!
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