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Thinking about eating healthy and having a good diet is one thing, but keeping those healthy food habits up is another thing entirely.
Our whole lives we’ve been told it’s important to eat healthily and to develop good habits, but those habits and diets seem to change all the time.
However, one thing is for certain, as we get older, having good eating habits becomes more and more vital.
That is because in our youth, the bad side of eating unhealthy meals feels so far away, but these decisions start to creep up on us and hit us hard.
Now is the time, no matter your age, to develop better eating habits with healthier foods. Having been through my fair share of fads and trials, I can say with some certainty, that these 7 tips are the best way to start:
2. Try fruits and vegetables you’ve not had before
3. Keep a record of what you like
4. Try swapping healthy alternatives to improve your meals
5. Make smaller portions using smaller plates and bowls
6. Quit sodas or at least, cut down on them
7. Drink lots of water - especially one a day with lime or lemon juice mixed in
These might help solve some health problems you feel, might fill you up with energy as well as help you lose weight. They are great foundations for feeling better no matter your age. To find out more about each of these tips, check out this excellent article on 7 tips for developing better eating habits. (Article contributed by Jess Walter, freelance health and food writer and mother. She loves the freedom that comes with freelance life and additional time it means she gets to spend with her family and pets.) Linked up with: Home Matters Best of the Weekend Foodie Friday & Everything Else