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4 steps to the best you in the new year

Being the best you in the new year ...

Does it sound daunting?  It doesn't have to be. Each day we can choose to take simple steps to improve our lives and homes, creating a better legacy for our families (and enjoying the person we are becoming). The nice thing about little steps is that they can be done with less effort (and usually much less stress) than big steps.

Choose a New Outlook

Whoa! That doesn't have to be a big step; it's usually one decision at a time throughout the day.  I have a friend who when faced with a difficult circumstance or decision, often will pause and then with a big smile on her face, lift one foot off the floor and say "Ta-da!" like she's just had a profound aha moment.  It looks and seems kind of silly - but it changes her outlook, shifts her perspective, and allows her to look at the situation from a more cheerful disposition. ta-da; best you in the new year Take a deep breath, relax and choose the emotion or response to a situation wisely.

Change One Thing

Think about the family dinner for this evening; it's easy to change up one thing out of the ordinary.  Add a special touch somewhere along the way. Listen to some fun music while preparing it, add a colorful table runner (nothing fancy - use a scarf, long piece of fabric, or a collection of smaller items to create a runner illusion) or simple centerpiece, use cloth napkins instead of paper, light a candle, or set out fancy plates. (Below photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash)     Just one of these things makes the meal time more enjoyable and creates a conversation starter for the family members. The same thing can be done with any project, task, engagement or "event" in your day.  Jazz up one moment and enjoy it!

Challenge Yourself

Try something new - it doesn't have to be big.

· A new recipe

· A different style of clothing

· A new meal planning routine

· A different exercise program

· A new route to work or school

Trying new things broadens our horizons, makes us open to new things, and helps us enjoy getting out of the ruts we make for ourselves with daily routines sometimes.

Cheer for Somebody

Be a cheerleader for somebody today.  Think about someone and encourage them by sending a quick message (even a text or a sticky note on their mirror).  Smile at the checkout person, greet co-workers and family members with a high five or friendly word; take a moment to let someone else know that you're pulling for them.     It's an amazing feeling - one that will encourage others and inspire you to do the same for another person each day. (Above photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash) Which baby step will you choose to start out with today? Leave us a note and let us know what you think!   online recipe box, digital recipe book, online cookbook  


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