
Recipe Detail

Tangy Potato Salad

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  • Brief Description

    Mayo and Vinegar-based potato salad for your summer barbeque!

  • Main Ingredient


  • Category:  Side dishes

  • Cuisine:  American

  • Prep Time:  15 min(s)

  • Cook Time:  30 min(s)

  • Recipe Type:  Public

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  • Notes:

    For the mayo, sour cream, and seasonings these are estimated measurements. Adjust based on your own personal taste!

  • Posted By:  EhrlEats

  • Posted On:  Jul 03, 2021

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  1. 1 tablespoons - Paprika to top at end
  2. 5 pounds - Red Potatoes
  3. 4 tablespoons - Apple Cider Vinegar Adjust to taste
  4. 2 tablespoons - Mayonnaise heaping spoonfuls
  5. 4 tablespoons - Sour Cream heaping spoonfuls
  6. 3 whole - Green Onions finely chopped
  7. 1 whole - Yellow Onion finely chopped
  8. 1 teaspoons - Salt Adjust to taste
  9. 1 tablespoons - Fresh Ground Black Pepper Adjust to taste
  10. 1 teaspoons - Cajun Seasoning Adjust to taste
  11. 1 teaspoons - Dijon Mustard Adjust to taste
  12. 2 tablespoons - Fresh Parsley finely chopped
  13. 2 whole - Celery Stalks finely chopped


1) Boil whole (skin on) potatoes in a large pot of water until semi-soft. A fork should easily penetrate potato with some resistance. Slightly harder than if making mashed potatoes. Remove from water and allow to slightly cool (1-2 minutes).
2) Cut each potato into quarters, or 6 pieces if larger. Add to large mixing bowl.
3) Top warm potatoes with apple cider vinegar. Allow to sit 10-15 minutes to cool and absorb vinegar. This can be done while prepping other ingredients.
4) Finely chop green onions, yellow onion, parsley, and celery. Add to bowl after potatoes have cooled.
5) Add wet ingredients: Mayo, Sour Cream, and mustard. Gently mix ingredients with a wood spoon.
6) Add dry seasonings: salt, pepper, and cajun seasoning. Stir contents to combine. Some Potatoes will mash while others should be left as chunks.
7) Taste test and add additional wet or dry ingredients per preference. I like a lot of sour cream in mine! Stir again if needed.
8) Top with paprika so surface is dusted and covered.
9) Cover and put in fridge. Allow flavors to meld a few hours before serving. Enjoy!


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