
Recipe Detail

Mississippi Mudcake

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  1. 2 0 cups - Sugar Brownie
  2. 1 0 cups - Shortening Brownie
  3. 4 0 Unit - Eggs Brownie
  4. 1 1/2 cups - Flour Brownie
  5. 1/2 cups - Coco Brownie
  6. 1/2 teaspoons - Salt Brownie
  7. 2 0 teaspoons - Vanilla Brownie
  8. 2 0 cups - Chopped nuts
  9. 2 0 sticks - Butter Frosting
  10. 1/3 cups - Coco Frosting
  11. 2 0 cups - Nuts Frosting
  12. 1 0 pinchs - Salt Frosting
  13. 1 0 pounds - Powdered sugar Frosting
  14. 1 0 teaspoons - Vanilla Frosting
  15. 1/4 cups - Milk Frosting


Cream sugar and shortening. Add beaten eggs. Sift together Flour, coco, salt. Add to mixture. add nuts and vanilla. Pour into greased 9 x14 pan and bake for 20 min at 300*. Remove from oven and put rows of marshmallows and return to oven for 10 min at 350*. cool completely.

Beat butter until fluffy. Sift together sugar, coco, salt. Add to butter. Add nuts and vanilla. Spread over brownie/marshmallows.


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