
Recipe Detail

Homemade Cheezits

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  1. 1 1/2 cups - shredded cheese
  2. 4 tablespoons - cold unsalted butter
  3. 3/4 cups - flour
  4. 1/4 teaspoons - salt
  5. - sea salt or bacon salt


Preheat oven to 350°F . Combine cheese, butter, flour and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a food processor. Blend ingredients together until they create a ball. Remove and roll to 1/8-inch thick (place the dough on a Silpat and top with parchment paper to prevent dough sticking to rolling pin). Cut into squares (a pizza roller does a nice job) and transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Prick each cracker with a fork and sprinkle with sea salt or bacon salt.
Bake 8-10 minutes, or until crackers are browned around the edges. Allow to cool and serve.


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